AI a threat to human race
So now we can clearly see AI is taking over market . Roots are spreading. No one knows how deep it will penetrate might be it will manage to take over human race . Ultimately we are giving birth to new species . A genre which is made of steel and powerful processors and chip . According to Darwin's theory survival of fittest even apply on AI . We work as God and make give there own intelligence . There intellectual power help them to make there copies who will be similar to them No matter what but this will overthrone human kind from there land it seems lot more science fictional but that's what we think . Study results that many will lose job . Are we going to take hands of those only breadearner of family We can see AI in everything thing from toys to space station all are controlled by AI . Now they are work on assigned work but what will happen when they will mature enough for taking there own descision.In this case we can take one step back and start someth...